B-Movies and E-Books – Episode 34: Night Bandits, Children, and Monsters

B-Movies and E-Books – Episode 34: Night Bandits, Children, and Monsters

Brian Alan DeLaney and Craig Wade, everyone’s favorite B-Movie heroes, discuss the trailers for He Never Died and The Midnight Special. Then Brian introduces Black River Arthouse before the guys settle into the review portion of their show. This week, they discuss the Troma film, “Coons! Night of the Bandits of the Night” and the short stories, “Mobsters, Monsters, and Nazis” by Dan O’Brien and “Give Me Something Good To Eat” by Shane McKenzie.

Make sure to tweet the guys @BandEpod and leave them a review on iTunes.

About Author


B-Movies and E-Books is a podcast where two lifelong friends discuss and review various movies and books. Listen in and tweet them at @BandEpod to join in the discussion.

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